My Pastor, Ken Hill, was a former Lieutenant Colonel in the Air-force. He always seems to find spiritual analogies for his sermons related to his plethora of "man sports" that he loves to engage in. I'm talking about extreme sports that involve guns, parachutes, and cliff hangers. One sermon really stood out to me, probably because I related to it so much during this particular season in our ministry.
Pastor Ken teaches people how to successfully and safely scale a wall. I'm talking about rock climbing. I won't even make an attempt to tackle the technical terminology that he uses, but simply put, he wanted everyone on his excursion to understand how to properly tie a knot. As they all scaled this steep incline the leader would properly set his pins, tie his knots, and wait as those that followed did the same. You see, every person that he was training would be attached to the same rope. The purpose being that if one of the climbers slipped and began to fall the others with solid footing would be able to support him and keep him safe. In essence every person in the chain would be completely dependent upon the quality of the rope, the security of the pins that are set, but most importantly the knot that each member before him ties. If there is a slip or a slide a member of the team could literally be hanging by that knot.
I have done some simple hiking up a little mountain and the only danger that I encountered was that my water bottle ran dry and I got thirsty. But then again my car was only 20 minutes down the path and a quick drive to the nearest convenience store for a bottle of Gatorade kept me from deaths door.
I can tell you with all certainty that if I were in the chain of hikers scaling a mountain with Pastor Ken and knew that my life would hang in the knot tying skills of my climbing mates, they would certainly need to show me their knots before the climb ever started ... and visa versa, I'm sure.
To be honest, I don't remember the point of Pastor Ken's sermon from that moment on because I was too busy hearing what the Lord was speaking to my heart about the integrity of my words and my commitments. The Jubilee Market is not a one man show. There are organizations, team members and most importantly rescued women and children that rely on the integrity of our commitments. We are a team. A network of people and organizations moving in the same direction linked together and moving toward a common cause. Empowering survivors or human trafficking to offer them hope of a future and sustainable income.
As the leader of the Jubilee Market I feel such a sense of responsibility. Sometimes it keeps me awake at night because I know that there are women and children and organizations that are hanging from the "knot" of our commitment to help establish vocational centers, train in product development and most importantly market and sell the products that they have shipped to us. I see every piece of jewelry or handbag as a bowl of rice that will feed a family, or a rent check that will sustain a vocational center for another month.
If you are part of the Jubilee Market Team, thank you! You are desperately needed. You bring value that only you can bring using skills, talents and tools that God has blessed you with for this moment in history...the deliverance of victims from the clutches of slavery. If you have committed to a position on our team you, in essence, have committed to a responsibility and we are hanging from the "knot" of your words and your commitment. If you fail in your commitment it is a chain reaction that effects everyone and every department and in the end, those who we serve.
I would challenge you to never commit lightly to a place on ANY team and when you do, don't be offended if the integrity of your knot is challenged. So many people will be affected and possibly "hanging" by your commitment.
You are valuable. You are needed. Brush up your knot tying skills and join the team!
In comradeship,
Liz Glover,
Founder & President
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
Jubilee Market And Company
Every ONE Matters!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Every ONE Matters
Every ONE Matters - it is a theme that was spoken to my heart when the Jubilee market first began. I remember feeling overwhelmed with the enormity of the rescue efforts. I felt so small. I felt that my efforts were insignificant. I felt that I would not be able to make much of a difference. I felt like a pebble being dropped into a vast ocean and that the ripple affects of my efforts would not even be noticed. At that precise moment God spoke to my heart and said, "Every ONE matters to Me. I left the 99 to seek after the one."
This morning I was reading my devotions from Zachariah 10:4-5. "From Him comes the cornerstone, from Him the tent peg, from Him the battle bow, from Him every ruler together. They shall be like mighty men, who tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle. They shall fight because the Lord is with them."
At first the insignificance of the components that he mentioned did not make sense to me. A cornerstone? I had to look this one up in the dictionary. "cor·ner·stone - A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls." When you look at a fort or a palace you don't typically pay much attention to a cornerstone, but if you removed every cornerstone you would have 4 freestanding walls that would not be standing for very long. The cornerstone holds the entire structure together.
A tent peg? When I think of a tent I don't place the importance on a tiny little peg. But imagine going on a camping trip and trying to set up your tent, only to find that the pegs were left at home. It does not really matter how big and awesome your tent is if you don't have the pegs to hold it in place. A tiny and insignificant part of the structure, but foundational to the tent.
The battle bow? The arrow would seem to be the most necessary component of this weapon, but imagine using an arrow without the bow to launch it. Who cares how sharp and straight your arrow is? If you have no bow you might as well have no arrow.
Every ONE matters! And we have determined that even the smallest insignificant parts are foundational to the structure. In fact we can't live without them!
As we join forces to rescue victims from se* slavery and human trafficking, you need to know that you matter in the battle. Your efforts, no matter how small are foundational to our success in rescuing these people.
Every purchase that you make matters! Every prayer that you pray matters! Every home show that you host matters! Every girl that is impacted by our joint efforts matters! If you left out even one little component the entire organization is in jeopardy. We need you! You matter!
So run the race with me and fight the good fight. You Matter!
In Comradeship,
Liz Glover
This morning I was reading my devotions from Zachariah 10:4-5. "From Him comes the cornerstone, from Him the tent peg, from Him the battle bow, from Him every ruler together. They shall be like mighty men, who tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle. They shall fight because the Lord is with them."
At first the insignificance of the components that he mentioned did not make sense to me. A cornerstone? I had to look this one up in the dictionary. "cor·ner·stone - A stone at the corner of a building uniting two intersecting walls." When you look at a fort or a palace you don't typically pay much attention to a cornerstone, but if you removed every cornerstone you would have 4 freestanding walls that would not be standing for very long. The cornerstone holds the entire structure together.
A tent peg? When I think of a tent I don't place the importance on a tiny little peg. But imagine going on a camping trip and trying to set up your tent, only to find that the pegs were left at home. It does not really matter how big and awesome your tent is if you don't have the pegs to hold it in place. A tiny and insignificant part of the structure, but foundational to the tent.
The battle bow? The arrow would seem to be the most necessary component of this weapon, but imagine using an arrow without the bow to launch it. Who cares how sharp and straight your arrow is? If you have no bow you might as well have no arrow.
Every ONE matters! And we have determined that even the smallest insignificant parts are foundational to the structure. In fact we can't live without them!
As we join forces to rescue victims from se* slavery and human trafficking, you need to know that you matter in the battle. Your efforts, no matter how small are foundational to our success in rescuing these people.
Every purchase that you make matters! Every prayer that you pray matters! Every home show that you host matters! Every girl that is impacted by our joint efforts matters! If you left out even one little component the entire organization is in jeopardy. We need you! You matter!
So run the race with me and fight the good fight. You Matter!
In Comradeship,
Liz Glover
Friday, June 1, 2012
And The Winner Is....
Erika you have won our drawing!
Thank you so much for all of your participation!
Check out our website for some awesome new products. We have new picture frames, journals, Mou bags, scarves, and much more. Be sure to check it out and share us with your friends.
Remember Every ONE Matters and we couldn't do this with out you all. Thank you for helping restore survivors of human trafficking!
Erika you have won our drawing!
Thank you so much for all of your participation!
Check out our website for some awesome new products. We have new picture frames, journals, Mou bags, scarves, and much more. Be sure to check it out and share us with your friends.
Remember Every ONE Matters and we couldn't do this with out you all. Thank you for helping restore survivors of human trafficking!
Friday, May 4, 2012
$25 Gift Card Giveaway!
Our Giveaway has moved to the blog!
Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience, but any of your previous work has not been in vain.
Also, it is again the $25 gift card!
How you can win
Please be 18 or older. The drawing will still take place on June 1st. The giveaway still started May 1st so anything you've done from then to May 31st, tell us.
The winner will be picked at random announced here on our blog June 1st!
Have fun!
Sorry for any confusion or inconvenience, but any of your previous work has not been in vain.
Also, it is again the $25 gift card!
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How you can win
- Be a follower of Jubilee Market and co. on Blogger (click join this site)
- Visit and leave a comment telling us specifically what you would like to get your mom for Mother's day (1 entry).
- Visit and leave us a comment telling us your favorite product (1 entry).
- Share the giveaway, The Jubilee Market, or products via social media, Pinterest, Twitter, Blog etc. ( Leave a comment lettting us know where and what you did, unlimited entries this way)
Please be 18 or older. The drawing will still take place on June 1st. The giveaway still started May 1st so anything you've done from then to May 31st, tell us.
The winner will be picked at random announced here on our blog June 1st!
Have fun!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Only CHRIST can save the World!
I have a little plaque that hangs in my office that says, “Given a cape and a really great tiara I think I can save the world.” I joke about it. My Pastor’s wife calls me Mighty Mouse because I am small but aspire to do big things. I believe we are called to greatness. I believe that Christ has empowered us with His Holy Spirit to continue His work of feeding the hungry, binding up the broken hearted, healing the sick, sharing the good news of His free gift of salvation.
Last night was my 3rd night to be home from our most recent visit to India where we visited villages where there is no hope without the extended hands of Christ through believers like those on our team. We saw children who are eating delicious meals of rice, chicken and vegetables instead of the dirt that they were eating before sponsors paid for meals and education for them.
We saw entire villages of brothels where brothers and fathers called for passing truckers and men to come in and use the bodies of their daughters and sisters, while team members gathered the children on the roof of one of the buildings and taught them English and stories and songs about Jesus. What a contrast to stand next to the children as they raised their voices to God and then to look over the wall to the village below as their sisters and mothers escorted men into their homes to be used and prostituted.
The mission of the Jubilee Market provides opportunities for these women to escape the enslavement of prostitution by providing a safe environment for them to work with their hands producing products that are marketed and sold on our website and through advocates selling at home shows and women’s events across the country.
Last night as I battled jet lag in an attempt to readjust my body clock and stay awake until my normal bedtime, I flipped through the movies on Netflicks. I came across the movie by Mel Gibson, “The Passion of Christ”. I was reminded in a very graphic way that He paid the ultimate sacrifice, giving His life for His friends. As worthy as our efforts are and as sure as our call is, nothing can save those women and children that I met in the most impoverished places of India except the shed blood of our Lord who became the sacrificial lamb. Only Jesus, the Son of God, can save the world.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Monday, February 27, 2012
Little surprises and wonderful blessings go hand in hand with spring. It's Feb. 24 and I stepped outside in my sundress and flip flops. I love South Carolina!!! As stood on the patio and observed little green shoots poking up through the mulch in my townhouse sized garden I remembered that I had planted those ugly, seemingly lifeless bulbs last fall when it was cold and dreary outside.
Last Nov. when I planted them I could envision the warm sun of springtime and gentle coastal breezes coaxing my little bulbs to life. What a miracle that such beauty can come from such an ugly bulb!
Last Nov. when I planted them I could envision the warm sun of springtime and gentle coastal breezes coaxing my little bulbs to life. What a miracle that such beauty can come from such an ugly bulb!
Time went by and the busyness of life snatched the vision of my hopes and dreams of spring flowers from my memory....until this morning. And there they are as I had hoped (and the instructions on the bulb package had promised) my springtime has come and my flowers are days away from being a reality instead of just a hope.
This morning I am sitting at my kitchen table in awe and amazement at the beauty of the fruit of my hopes and dreams as God promised. Last spring our Jubilee Market corporate office relocated from CT (bur-r-r-r-r) to SC. My husbands job with Southwest Airlines moved us here with the opening of the new Charleston station. God gave me a promise that He would help us to relocate and would expand The Jubilee Market growth and add to our team through the move.
God has faithfully brought new volunteers and team members to assist in our cause and purpose. But I have not been able to find an affordable place for our team to work. My husband came home from work one day a couple of weeks ago to find me and my team huddled around the kitchen table with Jubilee Market strewn from one end to the other.
Needless to say the obvious....we need a place of our own to work. Not that we have not looked, and prayed and inquired. We simply could not find a place that we could afford. My prayer had been, "Lord, please send a place for us to work that is free with no utilities to pay." That is a bold prayer, but I believe the Lord put it in my heart to pray that prayer in faith because He had wanted to bless us with the fulfillment of our dreams, affirm our work, and build faith in the hearts of myself and our team.
The next morning as my husband left for work, I walked out the door behind him with my purse on my shoulder. He asked where I was going.
"I don't know. I'm going to find a place for the Jubilee Market to work and I am not coming home till I find one. Today is the day." Both faith and desperation were crying out to God to help us.
I drove a few minutes up the road and pulled into the parking lot of a huge warehouse that had a "for sale" sign in front. I called the realtor (no answer) and left a message....sat in my car....wrote in my journal....and prayed.
I drove back toward my house and on a whim pulled into an upholstery shop. I went inside and asked the owner if he might happen to have any space that he could let us use for our non-profit organization.
He said that his shop was packed from back to front and didn't have anything but the warehouse across the parking lot. The 2,000 square feet upstairs was empty and available and yes, he would let us use it for free.
45 minutes from the time I left the house to find a place for the Jubilee Market, I pulled back into my garage weeping because of the fulfillment of our hopes and dreams. God answered our specific prayers and located our new facility 5 minutes from my home. I could not have planned it better if I had tried!
Do you have dreams that the Lord has given you yet unfulfilled? Be patient with the growth process. As the season of cold and darkness work miracles in the bulb, so the Lord has a season for your miracle to come to maturity. And on the morning that you wake up with the "knowing" that today is the day for your miracle, step out in faith and "ask, knock, seek...." and don't come home until you have received the fulfillment of your promise.
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 Build your faith by reading the chapter and believing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Liz Glover
God has faithfully brought new volunteers and team members to assist in our cause and purpose. But I have not been able to find an affordable place for our team to work. My husband came home from work one day a couple of weeks ago to find me and my team huddled around the kitchen table with Jubilee Market strewn from one end to the other.
Needless to say the obvious....we need a place of our own to work. Not that we have not looked, and prayed and inquired. We simply could not find a place that we could afford. My prayer had been, "Lord, please send a place for us to work that is free with no utilities to pay." That is a bold prayer, but I believe the Lord put it in my heart to pray that prayer in faith because He had wanted to bless us with the fulfillment of our dreams, affirm our work, and build faith in the hearts of myself and our team.
The next morning as my husband left for work, I walked out the door behind him with my purse on my shoulder. He asked where I was going.
"I don't know. I'm going to find a place for the Jubilee Market to work and I am not coming home till I find one. Today is the day." Both faith and desperation were crying out to God to help us.
I drove a few minutes up the road and pulled into the parking lot of a huge warehouse that had a "for sale" sign in front. I called the realtor (no answer) and left a message....sat in my car....wrote in my journal....and prayed.
I drove back toward my house and on a whim pulled into an upholstery shop. I went inside and asked the owner if he might happen to have any space that he could let us use for our non-profit organization.
He said that his shop was packed from back to front and didn't have anything but the warehouse across the parking lot. The 2,000 square feet upstairs was empty and available and yes, he would let us use it for free.
45 minutes from the time I left the house to find a place for the Jubilee Market, I pulled back into my garage weeping because of the fulfillment of our hopes and dreams. God answered our specific prayers and located our new facility 5 minutes from my home. I could not have planned it better if I had tried!
Do you have dreams that the Lord has given you yet unfulfilled? Be patient with the growth process. As the season of cold and darkness work miracles in the bulb, so the Lord has a season for your miracle to come to maturity. And on the morning that you wake up with the "knowing" that today is the day for your miracle, step out in faith and "ask, knock, seek...." and don't come home until you have received the fulfillment of your promise.
"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1 Build your faith by reading the chapter and believing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
Liz Glover
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
A New Year - A New Jubilee Market And Company
I love January 1. Ahhh! Fresh starts. New goals. Reorganize...redecorate...renew!
What better place to start than cleaning out closets - Yes I have gotten realistic and taken those tiny clothes to Goodwill rather than pretend that I will ever be that small again. And if my new exercise plans "work out", I can start fresh with clothes that are actually still in style.
Of course when the Christmas tree comes down the house gets a makeover and cobwebs and clutter are out the door with the Goodwill clothes. I LOVE the new year. (Grady gets sucked into the frenzy because he has the muscle power to do what I can't - bless his heart. He's such a good sport).
Even the Jubilee Market has gotten a face lift. The office is spotless (almost), the filing is caught up (thank you Haley!) and we had our first Financial Committee meeting last night to reorganize our budgets and set our priorities in place for 2012. I can't wait to share all the news and upcoming exciting details with you......thus, the new Jubilee Market and Company BLOG!
Come to think of it....thus, the NEW JUBILEE MARKET AND COMPANY!!
You have asked for it - and we are ready with the answer to the most the most frequently asked question, "What can I do to help?" You have a heart for the women and children who have been rescued from Se* Slavery and Human Trafficking and for those who are still waiting for hope and rescue.
We have answered with the New and Improved Jubilee Market And Company.
I can't let the cat out of the bag yet. The details are being perfected, but come back often and stay updated as we unveil the new market.
Happy New Year! (and Happy Cleaning)
Liz Glover
Founder and President
What better place to start than cleaning out closets - Yes I have gotten realistic and taken those tiny clothes to Goodwill rather than pretend that I will ever be that small again. And if my new exercise plans "work out", I can start fresh with clothes that are actually still in style.
Of course when the Christmas tree comes down the house gets a makeover and cobwebs and clutter are out the door with the Goodwill clothes. I LOVE the new year. (Grady gets sucked into the frenzy because he has the muscle power to do what I can't - bless his heart. He's such a good sport).
Even the Jubilee Market has gotten a face lift. The office is spotless (almost), the filing is caught up (thank you Haley!) and we had our first Financial Committee meeting last night to reorganize our budgets and set our priorities in place for 2012. I can't wait to share all the news and upcoming exciting details with you......thus, the new Jubilee Market and Company BLOG!
Come to think of it....thus, the NEW JUBILEE MARKET AND COMPANY!!
You have asked for it - and we are ready with the answer to the most the most frequently asked question, "What can I do to help?" You have a heart for the women and children who have been rescued from Se* Slavery and Human Trafficking and for those who are still waiting for hope and rescue.
We have answered with the New and Improved Jubilee Market And Company.
I can't let the cat out of the bag yet. The details are being perfected, but come back often and stay updated as we unveil the new market.
Happy New Year! (and Happy Cleaning)
Liz Glover
Founder and President
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